AntonAndell Did a quick draft of the changes proposed in this doc. However i imagine XCall should move out of the BTP2 -java repo for theses changes. But easier to...
To add to my second point about decentralization. The idea would be to have users add protocols themselves in DApp proxies, but now we are moving further away for the...
> Why are sendCallMessage `sources`, `destinations`, and handleCallMessage `protocols` arrays? Btw, there is a typo on destinations Only the contracts on the chain itself would be relevant to the security....
@sink772 Could you explain the reasoning of only allowing contract calls? Rollbacks would not be possible if called directly but for simple calls i don't see why it would be...
In the new version of the router a new payable method is added: `routeV2(byte[] _path, @Optional BigInteger _minReceive, @Optional String _receiver) ` And a new choice for data on the...
The two values are from: @External(readonly = true) public BigInteger getRedemptionFee() @External(readonly = true) public BigInteger getRedemptionDaoFee() {