I recently bought a new Raspberry Pi 3, a 32 GB memory card, and the SX1272 LoRa shield from libellium with the SX1272 LoRa Module. I tried to use your...
Do you have any idea of how I could adapt your lib to use it on RPI3B+ ? I get another library from libellium to make working the RN2483A module...
ok I will take a look ! the changes between RPI2 and RPI3 are : - Built in bluetooth and Wi-Fi - processor 1.2Ghz quad core (300Mhz faster) - Architecture...
OHH My bad, so it's normally working on Raspberry Pi 3 model B .... Great ! I will try again and come back to you if I get the same...
OK, so I tried again, same error than my first message > I tried to use your software but it's not working returning : > > Unrecognized transceiver > ......
Concerning the CS pin on the shield, it's a direct link from the pin 4 of the SX1272 module pluged on it (DI012/SPI_MISO) and the pin GPI08 of the Raspberry...
OK I tested it and IT WORKED ! :-D the module is detected, I just need to find out where to configure the RF parameters to check if packets are...