Ansh rathod
Ansh rathod
Find The Latest trending and upcoming movies and tv shows with MovieDB app. The app contains all info about movies and tv shows. find similar movies or shows, Browse all genres, video trailers, backdr...
Full-stack music player app is written in flutter and dart using node.js music API. Fully Functional music player with UI like Spotify app. Added 1000+ royalty-free music and information about artists...
A Recipe app with spoonacular API.
Find the free and Royalty music with the Happy Rock application. The app contains information about singers and you can make your own playlist with Songs.
(Full-stack) Fully functional social media app (Instagram clone) written in flutter and dart with backend node.js and Postgres SQL.
Real short video app with firebase and pixels API.Where you can create a short video with pixels' stock videos and also merge your audio.
Backend for musive app made in nodejs and postgreSQL.
Web version of Musive app. built in Nextjs with redux-toolkit and TailwindCSS.