Michele Fiorito
Michele Fiorito
The design you described in the echo.c is not going to work this way. The generated accelerator will have a start and done port, when the start port goes high...
done_port of serial_tx module is still global and extern, this is not allowed. If you want this port to be routed separately so that you can connect it with other...
Indeed the documentation is not the best, but time is an issue on our side too. About the ports to pins mapping, this has to be specified within the Diamond...
Hello, The default compiler selected by Bambu depends on the build configuration and is decided by the logic in [CompilerWrapper::getDefaultCompiler](https://github.com/ferrandi/PandA-bambu/blob/main/src/wrapper/compiler/compiler_wrapper.cpp#L3066). If you are using one of the official AppImages, it...
Closing for inactivity
I am closing the issue since it has been a while since it has been active. Feel free to reopen if you still need help.