Michele Fiorito
Michele Fiorito
Hi Davide, thank you for using our framework. I need you to share a little more information so that I can reproduce your issue and help you solve it. Please...
Dear Alexander, I tried out the example you uploaded with the latest version of bambu (which you can find in branch panda-0.9.7-dev) and it seems to me that the generated...
Hi, the issue should have been fixed by the linked pull request which is now merged into the dev/panda branch. Have you been able to test it out? Please let...
Hi, the fastest way I can suggest to solve the issue is to build using docker. The binaries are statically linked, so it should be fine to run them from...
The website is a little outdated with respect to the repository, I am sorry about that. You should refer to the INSTALL file in the repository for updated install instructions....
This is totally true, we need to improve this. Here is the list of supported devices: - 5CSEMA5F31C6 - 5SGXEA7N2F45C1 - EP2C70F896C6 - EP2C70F896C6-R - EP4SGX530KH40C2 - LFE335EA8FN484C - LFE5U85F8BG756C...
To quickly add support for a new board you can have a look at the example under examples/add_device_simple. Actually, it is just a matter of duplicating the device characterization and...
The board information you are looking for should be in the HLS_output/Synthesis/lattice_flow_1/project.tcl script which contains the information for the synthesis for Diamond.
About the serial device implementation, I think Diamond may provide some IP core which should take care of that and expose an interface that is then what you want to...
There are some issues with the IPs.xml you provided. First, the clock signal should be named "clock", different naming are not supported. The same stands for the done port which...