I have this issue as well. Seems like the ->hash() method returns a hex string rather than an object. I think the doc might be out of date.
Yea, stencil could be killed because of this problem. Because the whole point of using stencil is to decouple components to applications, if the components' assets still need applications to...
Same issue here, getting empty object when doing `import * as workly from "workly"`. Also tried ```bash import { proxy, expose } from 'workly'; [ERROR] Cannot find name 'proxy'. Did...
UPDATE: fixed by `import * as workly from 'workly/dist/workly.m.js';` Which isn't that intuitive.
babel-preset-latest is already deprecated, please fix this package by using babel-preset-env.
1 month passed, 0 reply. Is there anyone maintaining this project?
@Okipa Nope. But I hope there is.
@Okipa Thank you for the link!
Same error `TypeError: (0 , ts_transformer_keys__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__.keys) is not a function` "vue": "^3.0.0" "webpack": "5.69.0" "typescript": "4.8.4"