Ano Rebel

Results 9 comments of Ano Rebel

Oh, ok, cool then.. When I get time, I was thinking of creating the Vue 3 version from your code(refactor it basically). Would that be okay? I'll make a branch...

Sorry it took I while, I was kinda busy.. So the 1st iteration is at [my fork]( on the `next` branch. Its not complete yet but most of it is...

I have an almost same problem on a newly installed Linux Mint 20. At first celluloid could open but loading files, made it crash, then now, even just opening celluloid...

> I'm not exactly sure, but my guess is that there's some sort of race condition in the way embedding is done on X11. It's hard for me to debug...

> opengl-cb should be more reliable, but can be slower. If you don't have performance problems, it's probably better to use opengl-cb. Cool, thats what I'll do then, thanks..

> I noticed something weird. > > Celluloid not crash on vaapi when playlist is open in window. When I turn on the playlist in dconf again, the application stops...

@cutrus Thats exactly the same as mine, except i'm on mint not ubuntu.. Why are you settings in the mpv conf and not the celluloid dir in .config, if that...

My repo is at [Mbx]( Would be grateful for any help. Currently, my issues are mostly: - I need to setup Tailwindcss with Vite/Vue, most of the setup is done,...

Any update of a possible fix for this apart from the workarounds? I have alot of plugins and little time to disable each one to find which one is messing...