For mangadex it's just a few line. That's should be easy. Sadly your is not working on any architecture. windows, debian, ubuntu, manjaro. Nothing work. that's why i'm here...
Kobo sage is not compatible
I am not sure but as far as i know, it is Kobo Sage specific related. You cannot access root and/or modding Kobo Sage like other Kobo devices. However take...
I found the bug, i may pullrequest in a min
@uncletrunks Could reproduce here but not on my fork. fix the bug. However, there is another bug that keep the bug occur.
any news ?
Twitch has reverted some part of their policies just now. Lol.
They revert the allowed rule of nudity if it was a fictionnal representation or « artist » representation. As for now they don't allow it anymore (explicit fictionnal nudity eg.)....