wikidata-graph-builder copied to clipboard
Visualize Wikidata items using d3.js
Hello, Is it easy to connect it to another wikibase instance? I understand it depends on the wikidata query service (sparql) so it's maybe possible to change the URL of...
Hello I'm very interested by your tool, to illustrate some parts of my work I've installed your tool on my PC. All seems OK If I go to the pages...
May I ask for your help with a query that we'd like to present in wikidata-graph-builder? We have this query: ``` SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?linkTo ?linkToLabel WHERE { ?item wdt:P166...
An error occur when clicking on the examples "Something is wrong with SPARQL query syntax" On :
This is a fantastic tool, thanks for releasing it (you're getting quite a lot of love on social media ([1]( - [2]( It would be really great to add the...
Hey, I would really love to integrate your awesome visualization to We have this interface which makes it pretty simple to add stuff: What do you think? Nice...
It would be nice to traverse not only the given property but also its subproperties. For example, if I want to know the dependencies of a software, traversing [depends on...
I have this Wikidata query: ``` SELECT ?root_name ?parent_name ?child_name WHERE { VALUES ?root_name {"Brassica rapa"} ?root wdt:P225 ?root_name . ?child wdt:P171+ ?root . ?child wdt:P171 ?parent . ?child wdt:P225...
Hello! First and foremost, awesome tool!! Super congrats. I work with cells on Wikidata, and I want to build this query: But I want only to restrict for those...
Hi, we are considering to migrate to elkjs from dagre. I saw your comment(, this is great demonstration for us. I'm wondering why did you choose the canvas for rendering...