wikidata-graph-builder copied to clipboard
Difference between Wikidata Graph Builder and WDQS
I have this Wikidata query:
SELECT ?root_name ?parent_name ?child_name WHERE
VALUES ?root_name {"Brassica rapa"}
?root wdt:P225 ?root_name .
?child wdt:P171+ ?root .
?child wdt:P171 ?parent .
?child wdt:P225 ?child_name .
?parent wdt:P225 ?parent_name .
SERVICE wikibase:label {bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" }
serialized here:
When using
display results: treemap
WD produces a structured hierarchy
display results: dimensions
plots the tree
When I use the above query on Wikidata Graph Builder, I see the error message
Unable to load graph data
me.item is undefined
Is this user-error? Is there a working WGB query that will display the child items for the parent root_name?
Thanks for advice here. /jay