DS3231 is a low-cost, extremely accurate I2C realtime clock (RTC) with an integrated temperature-compensated crystal oscillator (TCXO) and crystal, and tried to implement with this library but it does not...
I have installed the stm32F429 by mistake, I have installed the P6 jumper and it only enters the BOOT LOADER mode by pressing the BAND+ button but I cannot get...
MCHF v0.6.3 Only in tx/rx add a small menu on/off to transmit the tones quindar look at this website: It would be the only transmitter in the world that...
BABYSTEPPING no it does not work, board MKS-TinyBee and TMC2208_STANDALONE, REPRAP_DISCOUNT_FULL_GRAPHIC_SMART_CONTROLLER, Anet A8 plus, in printing the movement of the button does nothing, even during printing.
my board worked fine, until i changed from marlin 0.9 to 2.1.1 bug fix, wifi stopped working, uploading data through usb works, but there is no wifi or ip, when...
This error is caused by the blinking of the blue led when activating the: >>> //#define POWER_LOSS_RECOVERY ----> #define POWER_LOSS_RECOVERY tested in the last 3 versions of marlin with the...