This pull request proposes a refactoring for : - EmbeddedFreeTypeFontInstaller>>#addFromFileContents:baseName: - FreeTypeFontProvider>>#updateFromFile: pull request proposed by @demarey @DurieuxPol and me #15265
This PR is a proposition for a new rule for "Method returning in conditional but still having statements". #6326
``` self assert: something equals: false ``` → ``` self deny: something ```
This pull request proposes an improvement for the rule ReCodeCruftLeftInMethodsRule to take pragmas #haltOrBreakpointForTesting or #debuggerCompleteToSender into account. #14250
This pull request proposes a potential rule that check not have unnecessary null branches. #16515
this pull request propose a potential new rule with autofix to check method that use ifTrue: ifFalse: to return a boolean and propose to return condition in place. #16517
This pull request propose tests for rules from the General-Rules package with the tag migrated
this pull request propose an improvement for the rule ReCodeCruftLeftInMethodsRule to take pragmas #haltOrBreakpointForTesting or #debuggerCompleteToSender into account. #14250
This pull request proposes a potential new rule to check method that use messages &/| instead of and:/or:
This pull request propose a potential new rule with autofix to check method that use assert:equals: to verify that something is false and propose to use deny: #16574