Hello chief1983, I contacted you about this issue on discord some weeks ago. I also happen to be a software developer, and I noticed that even though Knossos 0.14.3 came...
From Comment 1: >Do you mean sdl2_path? The sdl2 key isn't used. Sorry, you are correct. I meant the sdl2_path variable. >What happens when you set sdl2_path to /Applications/ If...
I will add one more tidbit: If the "../Frameworks/SDL2.framework/SDL2" path is working for you, there is very likely a linking error occurring after compilation. The correct path for the SDL2...
Thank you for checking up on this issue. The game can still be played, but the settings.json file needs to be edited manually before the game will run. I have...
FYI: You should not edit the json file while Knossos is running. Knossos must be closed or it will overwrite any custom configuration on exiting. > On Sep 24, 2020,...