I use dynamic voxelization to train nus model, I find sometime's voxelize will generate negative index, which make index operation out of range, even if I already use PointsRangeFIlter. In...
for waymo dataset's lidar saving, why not saving the image position which is cp_points in code for each lidar point, as waymo not only use calibration to convert lidar point...
Hi, thanks you for so great work, I just wonder where you will give the nuscene result in the future, as your paper's result is so low in other two...
Hi, thanks for sharing so wonderful work, after reading the paper, I have some maybe stupid question, how about set D=1? With my understanding, for each position in different view...
hi,nazhao,I‘m trying semi-supervised learning method on 3d object detection on outdoor dataset,I just wonder How did you think of using 100% trainset both as labeled data and unlabeled data,as in...
Hi, thanks for sharing the worke. In VSA encoder, code is below: x = self.pre_mlp(inp) # encoder attn = torch_scatter.scatter_softmax(self.score(x), inverse, dim=0) dot = (attn[:, :, None] * x.view(-1, 1,...
Thanks for your contribution and we appreciate it a lot. The following instructions would make your pull request more healthy and more easily get feedback. If you do not understand...
Hi, you say the transfusion speed is 156.6 ms / frame in your paper, but in transfusion paper, the speed is 265.9ms/frame. So your guys just change gpu from v100...
Hi, tianwei, I just wonder does ensembling of different voxelsize models and emsembling different rotation output use some function, which is nms.
Hi, ed-fish, thanks for sharing your implementation of the paper, I just wonder how is the performance of your implementation, does it is comparable with original paper?