Zihan Wang
Zihan Wang
This is a very good question...I have been looking for toolkits regarding "active regression", but apparently most active learning techniques are designed only for classification tasks. If you spend a...
I am also wondering this issue... Is there any other package who supports taking in a fitted glm model and returning relative risks? The latest `effectsize::oddsratio_to_riskratio()` (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/sjstats/news/news.html) seems cannot do...
This is really a weird issue. It happens in my local machine, and happens again in my poetry virtual machine... (BTW they have different python versions)
Hi Simon, Thank you for your quick response. The main problem is unfortunately the disk issue... I am surprised that for only 1 sample, "gemBS call" created around 100GB .bcf...
Sorry one more question: I just run "gemBS call" and found an error in the bs_call.err report file. It looks like gemBS fails loading the dbSNP index file. Do you...
> Hi Andy, The format for the dbSNP index has changed a lot in recent releases of gemBS. Was the index created with the same version of gemBS that you...
> Hi Andy, If you use the underlying tools (bs_call, mextr and snpxtr for the calling, methylation and SNP extraction) there are options for restricting operations to a list of...
Hi Simon, I checked the underlying tools of mextr and snpxtr and found that there are options for input a region files, like: > -r, --regions restrict to comma separated...
Hi Simon, I haven't tried the underlying tools yet. I am using a smaller snp sample to test. The disk is not an issue. However, I get an error saying...