
Results 13 issues of 独木舟的木

Here are the useful sites I recommend: * [Xcode Build Settings](https://xcodebuildsettings.com/) * [Easing functions Cheat Sheet](https://easings.net/) * [quicktype.io](https://app.quicktype.io/) * [JSONLint](https://jsonlint.com/)

I've added a `Bool` type auto-conversion function, so if people want to add it to their projects, I'll try pulling requests. | JSON | Swift | | --------------------------------------- | -----...

### The language of WCDB Objective-C ### The version of WCDB WCDB ( ### The platform of WCDB iOS ### The installation of WCDB Cocoapods ### What's the issue? 对官方使用教程中的**示例代码未按照期望的...


大江东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物。 故垒西边,人道是,三国周郎赤壁。 乱石穿空,惊涛拍岸,卷起千堆雪。 江山如画,一时多少豪杰。 ...

Add new iPhone device model.

1. 下载 GitHub 站点的服务器证书链: ``` $ openssl s_client -connect www.github.com:443 -shwocerts 2>&1 www_fullchain.pem ``` 2. 执行拆分操作存在错误输出: ``` # 将证书链文件拆分成各个文件 $ cat www_fullchain.pem | awk 'split_after==1{n++;split_after=0} \ /-----END CERTIFICATE-----/ {split_after=1} \...

Added `applyGradient(colors:locations:direction:)` extension to apply gradient color. ## Checklist - [x] I checked the [**Contributing Guidelines**](https://github.com/SwifterSwift/SwifterSwift/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) before creating this request. - [x] New extensions are written in Swift 5.0. -...

有些参数存在服务器字段缺失或没有值的问题,我也不需要设置默认值(或者说,没有办法为某些属性设置一个合理的默认值)。 声明 Optional 类型的属性: ```swift @Codec("pic") var imageURL: URL? ``` 会报编译器红色错误:`❌ type of expression is ambiguous without more context`。 要将属性设置成有默认值的非可选类型,或者: ```swift @Codec("pic") var imageURL: URL? = nil ``` 才可以编译通过。 【问题】Optional...