Hello, I trained up to 200 epoch a dataset of 18.234 pictures for a month using this command "python --name synthuman_512p --save_epoch_freq 200 --no_instance --label_nc 0" and it stopped...
I trained my model with LJSpeech up to 63K with the latest repo changes, then compared my results with ( Style transfer > 1. Parallel transfer > 3." I...
If I run "PostprocessHED.m" ( ) in MATLAB I get an error because I need to define these parameters: %%% parameters % hed_mat_dir: the hed mat file directory (the...
I'm following the "Batch Processing" procedure here ( ) and got to the point where I run "" ( ) and all my pictures are converted into .MAT...
I'm on Windows 10 x64, I already unpacked "boost_1_69_0.7z" and ran "bootstrap.bat", however, when I compile it with "b2 toolset=msvc-14.16 --build-type=complete --abbreviate-paths architecture=x86 address-model=64 install -j4 --with-python python=2.7 --with-python python=3.6"...
SinsyPlus will throw a "curl: (26) couldn't open file" error when a filename contains asian or non-western characters. You can reproduce the bug running this command "sinsyplus.exe Piano(ピアノ).xml ja" on...
When the server reaches maximum serving capacity, the website will display this message: "Server is a high-load condition. Reconnect after a while." or "サーバ高負荷状態です.しばらく経ってから再接続して下さい." But SinsyPlus doesn't know how to...