Are there any updates you can provide on this issue? I recently came across your integration and am excited to get it set up, but am facing the same issue...
> I managed to fix invalid scope error with deleting heart_rate and sleep scopes from After that I just changed time zone and token was received. I know that...
I've tried auth with a Web client ID and a Desktop client ID. I've removed the two scopes, changed my time zone and rebooted multiple times. No luck here.
Same issue here.
I also have this issue with my Firestick 4k 2023
> any updates? Yes, I was able to get two accounts added.
I am getting a 500 error too. DD-WRT version: DD-WRT v3.0-r54682 std Logger: custom_components.ddwrt.pyddwrt Source: custom_components/ddwrt/ Integration: DD-WRT First occurred: 11:30:49 AM (2 occurrences) Last logged: 11:31:14 AM Extra fields...