Andrew Jackson

Results 25 comments of Andrew Jackson

hi the discrimation csv file is built manually by entering the names of your sources, names of your isotopes and then values representing the discrimination factor between sources and consumers...

I tried to code up a parallel version using mclapply() but in the end gave up as I couldnt get it to pass data long properly for some as yet...

My memory is that it wasn’t straight forward (at least at the time) and jags.parallel() wasn’t working as we required. It might be easier to spawn parallel calls to mixsiar...

Hi Ed Yes, that is my memory of the issue too from when we last looked at it. I’m pretty sure I also emailed the maintainer but didn’t hear back....

hi ed Great job! I too had started to look at the inner workings of R2jags and bypassing the issue but gave up. I don’t know either about this, but...

Hi all Thanks for working on this. Your input is very helpful. I agree - I think this is a can of worms at best, and not far off Pandora’s...

hi caitlin try install.packages(“rjags”) that function is in there, and for some reason rjags didnt install with the rest of the dependencies hopefully that fixes it best wishes andrew --...

you are joking me right? All the papers with all the maths is listed here.. on the front page of this repo!

i think the intraguild situation arises if you aggregate species into guilds, and treat them as fuctional groups within a food web… but the canibalism issue is the obvoius situation....

some good ideas here for us to try. to be honest i hadnt really thought of leaving out a source as being a very strict prior… i think i’d have...