
Results 9 comments of AndrewHerzing

Great. I'll wait for their input. In the meantime, we will typically do one of two things: 1.) Save a Digital Micrograph file with the Merlin data which provides the...

I've written a standalone module for our data with the goal of making something ready for further processing with PyXEM. If you want to have a look at what I...

As far as I can tell, this only works for data that is stored in a single MIB file. Correct? I should think it could be fairly easily extended for...

No, we haven't seen a speed difference. The original motivation was to avoid having all of our data in a single large file, but I think this is less of...

Yes, this is definitely the problem and it is related to our somewhat flaky triggering signal. If I run: ``` >>> exp_times_list = pxm.utils.io_utils._read_exposures(datafile, 100) >>> times_set = set(exp_times_list) >>>...

That seems like a reasonable approach to me

We should clarify that in our implementation of MCR, we first perform an SVD decomposition using numpy.linalg.svd. The resulting factors are then rotated by varimax before being given as the...

The number of SVD components depends on the data but in the cases we have tested it is around 3 or 4. After Varimax rotation, the code attempts to find...

@CCampJr : @jat255 and I have discussed this and we think the simplest way to proceed is for us to check for any NaN's in the C_opt_ output of the...