Andrew Pristinsky
Andrew Pristinsky
**Terms of reference** ***Z-Cash wallet functions:*** - Generate Private+public keys for t-addr - Generate Private (spending) + public keys for z-addr - Get balance for own t-addr - Get balance...
@WyseNynja thank you for the feedback. For the mobile wallet, it's not so useful to have the list of HD addresses, the number of addresses will grow for each outgoing...
@bitcartel there is a number of restrictions for the wallet functionality on 4.4 and early, I'm afraid it will be impossible to have the full wallet functions in that case....
@mineZcash you're right absolutely. As far as we are doing non-custodial solution, we are not able to use any external wallet services for operations with spending key. So there is...
@WyseNynja thank you so much for the addresses issue. We'll try to implement our best in terms of a mobile wallet
@bitcartel you're absolutely right. As far as we'll have z-addr we need to run the application at the high-end devices in terms to get suitable performance.
@Thenerdstation RNG is a good point. At the moment we're planning to use built-in RNG. I'm not sure that most users will be ready to use external RNG and can...
Hello all, we've released in beta our t-addr Zcash wallet. The beta is available at the Play Market for Zcash community review. I'll appreciate any valuable feedback.
Dear all, please find t-addr SPV-library repository @mineZcash
Hello all, Just a brief introduction, @lindalee is UX Zcash researcher who is kindly ready to review our UX activity. @eugeneives is Guarda Head of UX/UI. Let's start our collaboration...