In windows, when retrieving the list of screens, you cannot identify correctly the screen 1,2,3 ecc.. as they are set on windows.
App crashes on this device that is an Android 9 armeabi-v7a Works fine on other devices using: media_kit: ^1.1.10+1 media_kit_video: ^1.2.4 media_kit_libs_video: ^1.0.4 This are the logs before the crash:...
If you put the same video Widget more than one time and make them play programmatically, only the last starts playing the video In Windows or Android it works fine.
I have a Windows application that after some time freeze completly. I have 2 different Player instances that switches beetwen them when the other has finished to play his content...
Hi, do you have any advise on how performances on windows? I would like to make it work smoothly also on old Windows machinse, without making them too slow The...
if i initialize a video player and dont use it (i want to prepare it for later), this message occur: [video_player_win] gc free a player that didn't dispose() yet !!!!!...