Andreas Backx

Results 67 comments of Andreas Backx

@NBonaparte sorry for pinging you again. Now that Sway has reached the beta state and 100%* compatibility with i3, it is the ideal time to look at this issue, no?...

Hey @epage, I noticed your brainstorm #3476 and relevant issues about the modularisation of Clap, and also your comment on rust-lang/cargo#10472 about perhaps making this your next Clap priority. I...

@robcowie pyyaml still doesn't seem to be added which is why I created this issue. Unless the library no longer needs it?

> 1\) Both the radeon and amdgpu drivers are loaded. Is there a reason for this? Ah my bad, the wiki page on AMD is a bit confusing. I'll remove...

Alright, I've removed radeon from the modules, and updated/added the files you asked for in the gist. It doesn't seem to have made a difference on the surface as I...

I've been changing my setup a bit and I moved to Wayland. I realised that I completely forgot about this issue. I was ready to create a bug report on...

@rockowitz I was working using AMD's open source drivers. I will simply upload the files next time. When I remove the `xorg.conf` file and only use `xorg.conf.d/90-nvidia_i2c.conf` file seen below,...

The GTX 1070 does have a DVI connector, but my monitors do not. My GTX 1070 also only has 1 HDMI output which is already connected to the monitor. I...

@anupam-git that does not work for DisplayPort. I'm just going to get a second HDMI cable and hope it's fixed. Edit: noticed that I only have 1 HDMI out so...