Results 29 comments of Andrea Giardini

@noinnion Can we have an update about this?

We could give it a shot, starting from the datasource. I am not very familiar with typescript but I could give it a go. The docs in the datasource require...

FYI this systemd service works perfectly for me: ``` [Unit] Description=A fast and very simple Ruby web server [Service] Type=forking User=www-data Group=www-data ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/thin start --all /etc/thin/ ExecReload=/user/local/bin/thin restart...

And also... What is the difference between the crontab line specified in "Jenkins settings" and the cron in the single-project configuration? One overrides the other?

Should we just remove it? It's just confusing to have it duplicated On 10/25/2015 02:44 AM, pazoozooCH wrote: > Looks like you can only change the one in the Jenkins...

Hello @xmulligan We found out that the dates KCD Amsterdam conflict with Kubecon Detroit, which is unfortunate... We met with the venue last Tuesday and we are waiting to get...

How can we help to get his sorted? Any pointer?

@aquirdTurtle would you be ok with me submitting the initial package and adding you as a maintainer?