Results 31 comments of Anaminus

Just considered something: if you're toggling multiple variables, they'll go out of sync: ``` foo -> Foo -> foo -> Foo foo_bar -> fooBar -> FooBar -> foo_bar ``` Obviously,...

A [benchmark]( of current (Octree) versus optimized (PyOctree) shows the following performance improvements: ![OctreeVsPyOctree]( | Radius | Octree | PyOctree | Improvement | |-------:|--------:|---------:|-------------:| | 20 | 26304 | 23169...

I see two approaches: ## Inward-out Fusion is required by plugins. - Plugins themselves require the Fusion plugin API. - By having a common location, plugins can assume the location...

For almost all points, there are going to be no strong reasons to pick one way over the other, and trying to enforce a custom format manually is a exercise...

Your, as it is now, is more like a guide or checklist for *you*, the maintainer. This is useful information, and it's definitely beneficial to keep somewhere, but

Since tags are unordered like properties, a possible alternative API: ```lua New "Folder" { [Tag "Foo"] = true, [Tag "Bar"] = true, } ``` Though this eliminates the possibility of...

Descriptor extensions can be used for configuration. e.g. AttrConfig. To support this well, inheritance should have a merging strategy that enables each component to be inherited individually. For merging the...

Handle desc extensions separately from desc format by implementing a generic json patching system. Types: - `JsonValue: nil|boolean|number|string|Array|Dictionary` - Any json-compatible value. - `JsonOperation: {op: string, from: string?, path: string,...

After resolving a query into a fragment reference, an option specifies whether to return that reference directly. This is useful for converting a query to a canonical form.

When happens here is that the construction of `tbl` leaves 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 on the stack. Then, to prepare for the generic-for operation, 1 is replaced by...