Hi Pedrovgs,Fiddl3, I am using mediaplayer in the top fragment and when i try to seek(drag the thumb of Seekbar), The Top fragment moves downward(fluctuates). What could be done to...
Hi Pedrovgs, ``` I am using DraggablePanel for a Video Application and it got stuck sometimes from transitioning maximise and minimise states. ``` Please let me know if i could...
I have been using DraggablePanel in phone as per the implementation and it is working perfectly fine for me. I just want your help to understand how similar Experience can...
Hi, I am trying to show my DraggablePanel videoView in Landscape mode,but is not covering the even half the screen instead it just rotates the TopView with same dimensions. Please...
Hi Pedrovgs,Fiddl3, I am facing this wierd issue. For the first time when i change the device orientation from portrait to landscape, Top view resizes properly and everything works fine....
Hi pedrovgs/Fiddl, I am facing Arrayindex out of bound on frquently seeking the seekbar of Player. Tested on Device Nexus 5 and Samsung S4 Android version: kitkat Here are the...
Hi Martin, I checked out the recent commit of hls Exoplayer and found the video is blurring on my Samsung Galaxy 10.1 inch tablet. Android version:4.4.2 I am attaching the...