Wanderlei Alencar
Wanderlei Alencar
> > Eles mudaram "queryExists" para "queryExist" em novas sessões. > > Eu mudei: (node_modules/whatsapp-web.js/src/util/Injected.js)`window.Store.QueryExist = window.mR.findModule('queryExists')[0].queryExists;` > > Para:`window.Store.QueryExist = window.mR.findModule('queryExists')[0] ? window.mR.findModule('queryExists')[0].queryExists : window.mR.findModule('queryExist')[0].queryExist;` > > Com essas...
> @AmparoGuiase It's a "optional chaining" feature. If you use older nodeJS version - just remove "?" Hi @StiflerPasha, thanks for the reply. When I remove the "?.", I have...
> getNumberId Hi @gorbyoz , Do u test the method getNumberId then?
> unfortunately it gave me an error Error: Evaluation failed: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'WidFactory')
Works alaordev. Tks a lot :-D