Hugo Duroux

Results 39 comments of Hugo Duroux

Yep, I had the same problem. Apparently, since early in July, if the number of followed id is greater than 1000 the web server sends a 406. Even if the...

If it is possible to render the edge differently (like selection or hovering) instead of using HTML, it will be prettier and less prone to problems like z-index fighting of...

I discovered and used it on xeokit: ![image]( You can unzip and open the stats.html file in your browser to explore [](

> Are you really loading the entire xeokit-sdk library into your app though? No, but I think there is a conflict between what you say here and the package.json The...

We've been using it for 3 years, it's stable. If you don't want this feature, you can close this PR

As snap to vertex needs logarithmicDepthBuffer, this issue is even more relevant. Render without logarithmicDepthBuffer: ![Screenshot from 2023-09-26 14-02-32]( Render with logarithmicDepthBuffer: ![Screenshot from 2023-09-26 14-02-11](

Thanks! I managed to make it work :) The best way to override the `config` is not very clear. ```python class MyS3Storage(S3Storage): def __init__(self, **settings): # I don't have an...

Or the same API than `TransertConfig`