Hugo Duroux

Results 39 comments of Hugo Duroux

I think it could be better to set the default to an accurate enough value for building measurements, and if the user wants smaller file/doesn't care about measurements let them...

Section places are already saved here What do you mean by Annotations?

@xeolabs Do you have something to say about this PR?

"It's not a bug, it's a feature" By default, surfaces are only visible from 1 side (for performance reasons). In your case, from the outside of the object. Slicing it...

There is some low-level stuff but I never used it. @xeolabs?

`Object.values(viewer.scene.objects).map(obj => obj.meshes).flat().map(mesh => mesh.numTriangles).reduce((num, acc) => acc += num)`

We did something similar and the code is available here:

Hi @xeolabs, This really decreases the rendering quality, feels like the render is done with an 800x600 resolution. Do you have any news?

Unfortunately, we open building models and cityGML models without differentiation. As the log depth buffer setting is static at loading, we can't set it to true if the user loads...

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