Amin Taghizadeh

Results 9 issues of Amin Taghizadeh

Hello, I'm one of the fans of Tensorflow-2 and have created a [repository]( to collect the best of resources available which use this version. Recently I saw your fantastic repository...

Hello, Is it possible to create a Coach Model Zoo with Pretraind RL Networks? Some models like CARLA_DDPG need a huge time to reach a stable stage. or sometimes we...

would you please upload pre-train weights?

In Windows OS, folder names in a path join together with back slash [ \ ] instead of slash [ / ] like this: > C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit...

Is there any code to run the simulator with pre-trained checkpoint?

Hello, I'm one of the fans of Tensorflow-2 and have created a [repository]( to collect the best of resources available which use this version. Recently I saw your fantastic repository...

Hello, I'm one of the fans of Tensorflow-2 and have created a [repository]( to collect the best of resources available which use this version. Recently I saw your fantastic repository...

Hi, would you please upload checkpoint or tf-lite of the model? because converting frozen_graph to tf-lite is very hard. Tnx in advance.

Hello, I'm one of the fans of Tensorflow-2 and have created a [repository]( to collect the best of resources available which use this version. Recently I saw your fantastic repository...