> Hello to all, > > i got the same problem when i add the bellow settings on the .upptimerc.yml > > ``` > commitMessages: > readmeContent: ":pencil: Update summary...
EDIT: I got diarrhea and reviewed this issue in the washing room. If the reply is unrelated, I'll fix it later, please wait for a moment. Maybe just use deployer's...
> Yes, it only require deployer's WeChat. Maybe it's my poor English that make you misunderstanded. > > My design is that users can send update request to QQ bot...
> I do know it has maximum friend limit. But I don't remove friend after updating records because I intend to use this bot in a local maimai community. So...
> > maimai-home has a throttle mechanism, basically when you push request using more than 1 thread, it will return error and you will need to revisit home page.\nSo update...
> But you didn't star my repo hhh Because I don't use this account often (my company uses Bitbucket / Jira) orz.