In my point of view, due to centered plump operators, the sequences `+=`, `-=`, `*=` and `**=` in JetBrains Mono already look pretty. There is no noise to reduce and...
U+3007 (〇) IDEOGRAPHIC NUMBER ZERO in CJK Symbols and Punctuation (U+3000..U+303F) is also considered a *hanzi* by standards, dictionaries and UCS according to [「〇」算不算汉字? - 知乎 (Is “〇” a *hanzi*?...
As conventionally em differs from what we intend to mean in this document, and this document is not just oriented to Chinese users, I think there is a need to...
Errors occurred when using GitHub themes are caused by primer/github-vscode-theme#391, and Error occurred when using Vesper is because [there is a scope without `settings` field]( They mismatch `interface IRawThemeSetting`. I...