> Please follow the Installation instructions in README. Running init.sh or init.bat will automatically compile such library for you. 我有相同的问题,我已经在colab上运行了sh文件,但是bbox_transform仍然没有办法从bbox.pyx中调用该函数bbox_overlaps_cython,请问这是因为什么?
> When I run the code. It says: cannot import name bbox_overlaps_cython. I want to know where is the bbox_overlaps_cython. I have already solved this problem by "from box.box import"
> The learning rate of SGD depends on the batch size. If your batch size is bs, then the lr = 0.01/8 * bs. Okay, Thanks for you reply!
> 我一开始也觉得可能是因为这个问题,但是我反复检查以后感觉路径并没有问题,这是我的命令行语句: python BboxToolkit/tools/visualize.py --base_json BboxToolkit/tools/vis_configs/dota1_0/config.json 请问这样是正确的?是否还需要其它需要设定的地方? 这是我输出的vis_config.json文件: "load_type": "dota_submission", "img_dir": "/home/install/OBBDetection_new/visual_demo/images", "ann_dir": "/home/install/OBBDetection_new/visual_demo/labelTxt", "classes": "dota1.0", "prior_annfile": null, "merge_type": "addition", "load_nproc": 10, "skip_empty": false, "random_vis": false, "ids": null, "show_off": true,...
> 可能路径有问题,并没有读取到标签信息。 作者你好,我已经解决这个问题了,我忽略了load_type