Still it is not helping
No i don't think so since i had pasted it from the resources provided to make sure
THE CODE FOR CRYPTODETAILS IS AS BELOW import React,{useState} from 'react'; import HTMLReactParser from 'html-react-parser'; import {useParams} from 'react-router-dom'; import millify from 'millify'; import {Col,Row,Typography,Select} from 'antd'; import { MoneyCollectOutlined,...
CODE FOR CRYPTO API import {createApi, fetchBaseQuery} from '@reduxjs/toolkit/query/react'; const cryptoApiHeaders={ 'x-rapidapi-host': '', 'x-rapidapi-key': 'c2198b630fmsh09fc8b1e463894dp167cebjsn400e7a009c6d' }; const baseUrl = ''; const createRequest = (url) => ({ url, headers: cryptoApiHeaders });...
It still does not work even adding some data did not help me