Hi, sorry for not replying sooner. I'm not really aware of any native-code Java remappers. The only optimization I can really think of would be to cache remapped class files...
Most of the time consumed will probably be remapping of jars, which is done by third-party libraries. If you are concerned about performance, you could consider switching to gradle and...
It's interesting that you're getting a mapping conflict only for specific module layouts. I will check this out in more detail at a later date when I have more time.
Hello, thanks for the PR. I'm a bit busy right now so I will take a look at this at a later date.
Sorry for the delay! While Paper doesn't support Mixins, I do understand that if using Mixins, using Mojang mappings would be desirable. I'm unsure if it's in the scope of...
[Data Generators]( could also be used to get the names/ids for many other packets or registries like blocks, potion effects, etc.
I had issues with pakkit detecting a 1.18.2 server as online mode when the server was offline mode. So this issue might not be specific to bungeecord and stuff
I spent a good while trying to find the cause of this bug, and I finally found it. In patch 0010, there is a [call to the getName method]( of...