Why is 'amd64' wrong? Are your CPUs 32 bit? It might be useful to know that 'amd64' doesn't just refer to AMD CPUs. It can be used for any 64...
NameTagChanger needs to be reworked as soon as Mojang changes the packet internals (which happens every few versions). I have not had the time to update this after 1.12. I...
Can you show me more precisely how you are calling `NameTagChanger.INSTANCE.disable()` when the plugin disables? I am fairly certain that this has to do with the fact that the packet...
Double check that that method is being called. When I do it myself I get the same exception as you if I don't call `NameTagChanger.INSTANCE.disable()`, but if I add the...
Well yes, but `Validate.isTrue(...)` throws exceptions if the condition isn't met. It is really just a safeguard to make sure nothing breaks.
Yes, that's why I asked you to make sure your onDisable is being run. Print a message before you call `NameTagChanger.INSTANCE.disable()` anď make sure you see it in console.
Not without a crash log, I'm afraid. Please post the _full_ crash log of what happens when the server times out.
I still need more details. What is the message when users get kicked? When does it happen? Are you doing anything special?
Do these exceptions get thrown on the same instance as the ones you describe in #3? If that is the case, these are probably just a consequence of that previous...
I don't mean any ConcurrentModificationExceptions, I meant the ClassCastException described in #3. If that is not the case, please post the full server log of when this occured.