Hello,Thank you for your work I find some Picture address error if you run as set, in the line of 24,25, 26 ,78 `cv2.imwrite(str(test_real_dir)+'{:05}.png'.format(img_idx),img)` The picture cannot be put...
Hello,Thank you for your work.I hope others can notice that when you want dim>2, please make corresponding modifications ` style = self.modulation(style) if self.demodulate: style = style * torch.rsqrt(style.pow(2).mean([1], keepdim=True)...
thanks for your great work! I can't reproduce the accuracy on both the AffectNet and FERplus datasets as mentioned in the paper. Can you provide some details of the experiment,...
thank you very much for your article C2F-FWN, which has made me gain a lot in human movement transfer. But I still have some doubts in some aspects. Specifically, in...