@ulrich1a did not make a single commit in a year. Do you have any contact ?
I get same issue here
I was about to suggest folder system for condition set or hotbars (in configuration) when I saw this ticket. My use case would be to group by character the hotbars/conditions....
Hi @dwgtx , It seams that your issue is not the same than mine since your HAOS boots (mine does not). You should better open your own ticket to get...
I don't have a spare HDD to test that and I would prefer to not erase my installation as it also manages my heaters (can be cold those days XD)
BTW, I have no boot issue if I reboot without HAOS upgrade
Issue is still there on 11.5
No problem for me on esp3286 with a 1Hz publish frequency 24/7 since months
> Maybe because the body of the message is empty? A retained topic with empty message means clear this retained topic (if any). Can you try to set a payload...
No, I use mosquitto with my home-made IOT without problems (and I also use retained messages). Can you check with another software like paho?