- Tested using Inspector v 1.4.0 and AUT v 1.7.0 ### Actual result In Inspector/tests when using `Click/Press` action (Inspector) / `PressKey` command (AUT) keyboard keys could not be added...
* Tested with AUT v 1.7.0 ### Note To investigate why Click&Tap does not work in the same way as MoveMouse&PressKey --- You can find the original issue from GitLab...
#### OS and platforms - Windows/Mac - Unity 2020 - AUT v 1.7.0 #### Prerequisites Having C# AltUnity Tests created in Unity Editor (in an _Editor_ folder) #### Steps 1....
## Steps to reproduce 1. Open in Unity the _altunitytester_ project (cloned repo) 2. In _Assets_ > _Editor_ folder create an _AltUnityTest_ with the name `test` - _Note_: the name...
OnDeselect executes when a new element is selected. keep track of the selected object --- You can find the original issue from GitLab [here](
**Problem**: When testing the project for VuCity I had to find all objects within a panel. In this case all objects have the same path until the last element but...
**Node.js AltUnityDriver** Node js port of this **What is the reason you need this feature?** AWS DeviceFarm used Node.js to run tests. Our team has ts/js devs. This client...
When creating the AWS + iOS setup we were blocked at a specific step, about which we added a note to our documentation: "We encountered some problems forwarding the port...
Documentation should have a special section for notification where we explain each available notification. Also in command section we need to add addNotificationListener and removeNotificationListener --- You can find the...
Notify the driver every time when the hierarchy of the active scene/s changed. This mean every time an object is added, destroyed or changed parent. This does not include when...