Alon Mizrahi

Results 12 issues of Alon Mizrahi

when using esbuild with vite. this file generates an exception. ``` TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'window' in undefined at reqwest.js:15 at reqwest.js:8 at ../node_modules/reqwest/reqwest.js (reqwest.js:10) at...

**Description** Build fails with error: `cannot write /tmp/tmp4phcyxn2 because server did not provide an image ID` ``` $ CACHE_FROM=27d861591f4da977a04e94431f1fce214485f293 COMPOSE_DOCKER_CLI_BUILD=1 DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker-compose build --progress=plain --build-arg BUILDKIT_INLINE_CACHE=1 Native build is an...


while migrating from `ts-jest` to `esbuild-jest` we noticed there's an issue with source maps. source maps when debugging (vscode/webstorm) and error logs are off by lines. we had to migrate...

``` ● Test suite failed to run Call retries were exceeded at ChildProcessWorker.initialize (../../node_modules/jest-worker/build/workers/ChildProcessWorker.js:193:21) ``` making this part sync require fixes the issue ![image]( related to this thread: doesn't...

When I import the plugin while using this with react-chartjs-2 i get the error below ``` Uncaught Error: "barWithErrorBars" is not a registered controller. at Registry._get (chart.esm.js:4916:13) at Registry.getController (chart.esm.js:4862:17)...

help wanted

### Verify canary release - [X] I verified that the issue exists in the latest Next.js canary release ### Provide environment information was able to reproduce both in next 12...

template: bug

having type mismatch when adding a field to express.Request object (augmenting - see `express.d.ts` below). without using async handler, everything works great. it seems that it confusing with express/express-serve-static-core types...

### Dependencies check up - [X] I have verified that I use latest version of all @mantine/* packages ### What version of @mantine/* packages do you have in package.json? 7.5.2...

## Describe the bug Compilation type issue ``` ../node_modules/jest-preview/dist/next.d.ts(86,28): error TS2694: Namespace 'Config' has no exported member 'PrettyFormatOptions'. ``` ## Screenshots ## Reproduce ``` "babel-jest": "29.7.0" typescript 5.2.2 jest-preview 0.3.1...
