On "The report should be exported in PDF" Questions: The goal is to make it easy to pass around a report? And one reason this is currently not easy is...
The report generator option for creating a pdf might work, with some notes: 1. The html is not tidy enough to use directly. The function mlreportgen.utils.html2dom.prepHTMLFile can be used to...
Options w.r.t. exportable reports: 0. Put all the reports in a dedicated subfolder of the studyroot. With only the main report file as single file at the top level, and...
It basically works indeed. However, because the % is also used a lot in printf formatting statements, there is even more chance of accidental replacements (#288). Thus i would be...
On windows, there needs to be a % at the start and at the end of the environment variable that is to be replaced. So the analogy with the unix...
That is true, so in practice it may not happen often, but it is possible. Also, for #289 the chance is higher. As for a solution, I noticed that in...
Hm, why even have the pre-parsing here? Why not just pass on the TBX.extraparameters as-is to the constructor? Would require updating all constructors? Not really, can still pass on nothing...
Current names and descriptions (gathered by using the aa_example_crawler function), main examples directory only:L **Script: meeg_aa** Automatic analysis User master script example (aa version 5.*.*) This script demonstrates a basic...
1 I think "tutorials" and "demos" directories would be good. Additionally, have a utilities directory for functions that are used in the examples, but are not example scripts themselves. So...
I am looking at a way where, for ~keeptrials, the size of covsig can stay at [nchan, nchan], instead of using [nrpt, nchan, nchan]. I found it is possible. For...