## Description When I try Mythril to analyze a contract it throw some errors that I think they are connection error. I need to know am I right or not...
I've cloned BiAn correctly by: `git clone ` After that, I change the directory to the BiAn src and there I run it by: `python .sol .ast `...
I'm following Stackup [guide ]( and programmed an app.js by that guide. But when I run NodeJS this error throwed: `statusCode: 401, responseText: 'project id required in the url\n` So,...
Error: Cannot import japa test file directly. It must be imported by calling the "" method
I use `test` method in a module (called `trade.js`) that is included in the main test code (that is `functional.spec.js` and is in `tests\functional` folder of Japa project's directory). That's...
This is the whole of my smart contract (called `Pugy.fc`) that I'm developing it: ``` #include "stdlib.fc"; ;; Storage variables const int storage::owner = 0; const int storage::name = 1;...