Kevin Xiang Li
Kevin Xiang Li
For those looking for a workaround for now. Here's an equivalent to `awaitSpeakCompletion(true)` implemented with Dart Completer: ```dart play() async { final completer = Completer(); await flutterTts.speak(text); flutterTts.setCompletionHandler(() { completer.complete();...
I encountered the same issue and solved it by doing those three imports: `import jQuery from "jquery"` `import '../node_modules/jquery-contextmenu/dist/jquery.contextMenu.min.js'` `import '../node_modules/jquery-contextmenu/dist/jquery.contextMenu.min.css'` I then use [webpack ]( bundle the file.
I also have the same issue when loading local guppy files installed using npm. The console is not working and the buttons are not loaded. Here are the error messages:...
@MmeAnabole My temporary workaround is to download the `guppy-default.min.css` and `guppy.min.js` from the Guppy io example if you want to use them offline. The urls are:
@MmeAnabole I just discovered that you can replace the `guppy-default.min.css` and `guppy.min.js` in the node_modules with the ones I mentioned above and it works perfectly so far. In case you...
In addition, I feel that variable names shouldn't be separated from their subscripts. For example, guppy automatically hints the insertion of a pair of parentheses around "F" in "Fx" but...
Thanks for your detailed reply! I will try your suggestions.
I second that. It would be nice if I can remap space+h from page up to enter.
Excellent! I wish I could help but unfortunately, I don't know much about C and Linux system.
`int` parser has the same problem of committing the leading 'e'