Alchan Kim

Results 4 comments of Alchan Kim

You can modify coordinates of centroids by updating `slic.slic_model.clusters` to a new list where `slic` is an instance of `Slic` or `SlicAvx2` class. The value is a list of a...

You can iterate only once by `slic.iterate(img, 1)`. However, there is one caveat to consider: fast-slic samples the portion of image in the row-basis. That is, when `subsample_stride` is 3,...

Hello. @JordanMakesMaps This paper is my bachelor's thesis in Seoul National University. I didn't publish it to anywhere else, so you can consider it as a pre-print. If it is...

Thanks for the report. I'll have a look on the version you mentioned. (it may take time though, because of the ongoing issue in my country😭)