
Results 14 issues of Alexandr

If we try to extract more pixels than has an image - we will get "extract_area: bad extract area" Can we ignore exception and extract an actual pixels? I don't...


It will be great to implement


node 16.5 LTS I have working code with this line. I get zip with file test.jpg ``` archive.append(fs.createReadStream('../temp/187a7b4cf4.jpg'), { name: 'test.jpg' }) ``` But then I trying to apply archive.glob...

Since 7.0.0 jpegtran replaced by mozjpeg. But MozJpeg has only lossy mode. On main page of imagemin: ``` Comes bundled with the following lossless optimizers: mozjpeg — Compress JPEG...

I have a folder with images with different names except main.jpg I want convert main.jpg to 600px and over files to 1000px .pipe(responsive({ '**/*.{jpg,JPG}': {width: 1000 }, 'main.{jpg,JPG}': {width: 600},...

2) edit chat files for integration with phpbb3.0 (standart alone version). a) autologin custom.php, CustomAJAXChat.php b) disable session refresh CustomAJAXChat.php 3) all works fine but then i delete my message...

Due my issue I suppose to replace mobile detection from window width to touch physicals ability. I think it will be cool and lighter for browsers


It will be cool add custom columns in taxonomy. And maybe change register_post_type to class WP_Post_Type will be more flexible.

![image]( I got this from Total Security 360

The last step from wiki: `cmake --build . --parallel --target install ` ![image]( ``` drogon_ctl.vcxproj -> D:\drogon\drogon\build\drogon_ctl\Debug\drogon_ctl.exe Generating HelloView.h, Generating FileUpload.h, C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Microsoft\VC\v170\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(247,5): error MSB8066: Custom...