Results 15 comments of Alexis BRENON

I started to write some code: It seems quiet easy (at least for atomic values). But I cannot find how to access list of options and their values. Some...

Yes. I think you need to iterate on `getUnknownFields()`. If I could add a breakpoint to look at what there is inside, it could be nice. But I couldn't get...

Hi. I reproduce a similar bug with an even simpler case. Just load partitionned data with the partitioning column being the fisrt case class field. The column is appended at...

What do you mean by "a different table" ? The `config_values` table or the nested `ldoc.config` table. It make some times since I opened this PR. But I supposed that...

If I moved the cheese, it's probably because it didn't worked as I expected it before. I think that there is special cases where I need the `this_mod.file.lang.method_call` variable and...

For sure, I can make a PR if necessary, but is there an elegant way to fix this without adding the `--host` option manually? An option in docker to translate...

I also use Xfce and I do not experience this problem (the moved window always keep the focus). This is the expected behavior, following the one when you move a...

From what I can see you choose the "Focus follows mouse" option. With this activated, I can reproduce the behavior: - If after moving the window your mouse hover another...

Thanks for the patience. I try to play with the [`ACTIVE_WINDOW`]( and [`STATE_FOCUSED`]( properties of the window but without great success from my point of view. Let's give a try...

Yeah, I noticed this also. Needs some investigations. Stay tuned.