
Results 266 comments of Alexey

* ResNet50/101 or YOLOv4/YOLOR are more suitable for processing large batches at **high FPS**, while shallow networks are more suitable for **low Latency**. Batch processing cannot reduce latency in any...

@jinfagang Thanks for good questions! Currently Deep networks with higher batch size and resolution have higher FPS than Non-deep networks, but higher batch size doesn't reduce Latency. But real-time systems...

@jinfagang I think that `Latency_batch1` (and the same `FPS_batch1`) is the most important metric for comparing the speed of neural networks, because `Latency = 1000ms / FPS` is true only...

Yes, maybe it makes sense to add `loss_ota` to the end of `meta`.

Both were tested on the same nVidia GPU Tesla V100 using this Docker image and this command: ``` python --data data/coco.yaml --img 1280 --batch 1 --conf 0.001 --iou...

I use in this way: `./darknet detector demo cfg/ cfg/yolo-voc.cfg yolo-voc.weights rtsp://login:[email protected]:554 -i 0` More:

@sumeet9096 Try to use this command: `./darknet detector demo cfg/ cfg/yolo-voc.cfg yolo-voc.weights rtsp://login:[email protected]:554?dummy=param.mjpg` Also can you see this rtsp-stream by using VLC video player or other soft?

Is your problem in compilation, training or detection?

* Do you mean that you could not compile darknet in 12 weeks? * Can you give some good instructions on another machine learning framework and object-detection neural network that...

* Did you read requirements? * It can't use AMD graphic card, since it requires nVidia GPU * It requires OpenCV installation, run `sudo apt-get install libopencv-dev` *...