Alexandre Decan

Results 30 comments of Alexandre Decan

Thank you for the nice feedback, and thank you for the work you've done for this translation! In order to allow other users to benefit from it I'll keep this...

Hello, I tried several time to include type annotations but unfortunately, mypy (and Python's typing module) do not support f-bounded polymorphism (see making it impossible to properly define (parametric...

I'm temporarily closing this issue since we are waiting for "upstream" features.

Hello @ariebovenberg Thanks for this trick to get around the limitations of mypy/typing! I hadn't considered this approach, to be honest ;-) I haven't yet looked in details at the...

I looked at this example, and I'm unsure this can be applied to `portion` "as-is" since it requires bounds to be wrapped. Currently, each (atomic) interval corresponds to exactly 4...

ATM, if you see any drop-in solution to support type hinting (through typesheds), you can let me know ;-) By "solution", I mean something that could prevent `[1, 'a']` or...

Btw, by "drop-in solution" I didn't mean a full-fledge solutions, but mainly "ideas" to support type hinting without having to change the whole code base ;-)

Must be updated, as it relies on a (very) old version of Sismic.

Hello, Thanks for having reported this issue! I'll have a look at it within the next few days. :)

For what I see, it seems this "issue" is on PlantUML side. The current implementation does not support concurrent state with outgoing transitions. A similar limitation arises when trying to...