Alexander Zibin
Alexander Zibin
Hi, I'll check and reply.
Currently using another library; awaiting help from the community ))
I tried ada, it works. But NeoGPS seems to be the most smart one - just need some bugfixes for ESP32.
Also still interested in it. Still hope the developer will answer us.
Need to dig deep into library source files.
@cyberman54 I tested your example on my board (just fixed typo in your line 8), but nothing changed. I will try on different ESP32 board and report results later.
@cyberman54 `#define gpsPort GPS_Serial(1)` didn't compile; so I changed it to `#define gpsPort GPS_Serial`
Just tried this code on bare ESP32-WROOM-32 chip with the same (bad) results.
No news at all. I keep using another lib for ESP32.
Wow that's great! Thank you!